5 reasons your internal communications channels aren’t broken

Are you having trouble getting employees to use the intranet? Is readership of your newsletter dismally low? Nobody watching those videos?

Sometimes we’ll have clients tell us that employees don’t engage with certain channels, so clearly that channel just doesn’t work for their audience. But internal communication channels are just vessels that content flows through.

Maybe your intranet is outdated and clunky and you need to replace or update it. But before you decide a certain channel is broken, take a closer look at how you might improve the content. Here are five issues with content that employees tend to tune out.

1. Wall of copy

We have to remember that employees are busy, and they have a lot of other media vying for their attention. Long articles of unbroken text are not going to be widely read. If an article needs to cover a lot of information, break it up with subheads and visuals. Consider a different format, like a Q&A. Or try an internal communications channel that’s built for longer copy, like a podcast.

2. Cluttered design

Keep in mind that your internal communications channels don’t exist in a vacuum. They’re one element in a storm of media that your employees are exposed to every day. Amateurish or poor design won’t fare well in the competition. Involve a talented professional designer to create clean and appealing design. If your content is more enticing visually, it’s more likely to be read.

3. Long videos

Would you rather employees watch all of a short video or part of a long one? Social media has made lower production values more acceptable, so you don’t necessarily have to have a professional video crew shooting on location for employee videos. But you do need skillful editing to create an engaging storyline that communicates quickly without dragging on too long.

4. Dense emails

We consistently hear employees complain about being overloaded with all-company emails, but they also say email is one of their preferred channels of communication. Try making emails short on copy, with a link to the intranet for more information. Make them graphically appealing, rather than all text. And be clear about the call to action, positioning it either first or last.

5. Invisible employees

If your internal communications are heavy on leadership talking at employees and light on showcasing the contributions of the workforce, you might consider changing that. People are interested in seeing others in roles like theirs being featured and acknowledged. Non-desk employees are the least likely to be included, and perhaps the most important ones to celebrate.

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