3 ways to reduce frontline burnout

Lilly Adams
Frontline employee hard at work

Throughout the many changes companies have faced in the past few years, on-site employees have continued to be the backbone of day-to-day business, and this has led to many frontline workers feeling burned out. Time and effort have been poured into corporate employees to ensure this new hybrid reality is effective, but it may be time to shift leadership attention to essential workers on the front lines.Here are three ways to engage essential workers and reduce frontline employee burnout.

1. Foster a Culture of Praise

With many different clients, Tribe encourages companies to put their front lines on the front page and showcase the efforts of on-site employees. This recognition not only shifts attention to frontline employees’ efforts, it helps model success for their colleagues. Praise can come through different internal campaigns, but also be as simple as positive and encouraging dialogue from managers on the floor.

2. Prioritize Equity and Inclusion

Employees who feel respected are 50% less likely to experience burnout, and this starts with building an inclusive and equitable environment (read more here). Everyone wants to feel that they matter to an organization and that they have a fair shot at success, so creating a space for frontline employees to have honest and open conversations can lead to less stress and burnout.

3. Connect to a Higher Purpose

It’s important to communicate how frontline workers’ efforts support the big picture every day. Reinforcing the importance of their work will not only let these employees know they are crucial to the company’s success but help them envision what role they serve in the overall mission.Frontline employees can feel physically disconnected from the high-level conversations that drive the company, so raising awareness of the importance of those frontline roles can help increase engagement and decrease frontline employee burnout.The stress and anxiety that has been building in the workforce has many employees feeling burned out in some way, but essential workers have had to power through these feelings and keep going. Company leaders can help by recognizing this and demonstrating their appreciation by providing a best-in-class employee experience for on-site employees (read more about Engaging On-Site Workers).Want more tips on how to engage employees and reduce burn out on the frontlines? Tribe can help.