Give employees a better digital experience

Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin
Employee digital experience

50 years ago, office employees could expect to hear a dial tone when they picked up the phone sitting on their desk. Today employees are less likely to be sitting at a desk in the corporate office but they still expect their technology to work. Unfortunately, they're often disappointed with their digital experience — by older hardware, glitchy platforms, and intranets that are not necessarily intuitive or engaging.

In the 2022 Digital Employee Experience Report fielded by software company Ivanti, 49% of employees report frustration with their company's technology, and 26% say they're considering changing jobs because of sub-par work technology. Although the pandemic helped employees demonstrate they can be productive from anywhere, 65% say they'd be more productive if they had better technology.

How's your intranet?

The digital experience includes a wide range of equipment, tools and platforms, but the intranet is the one that holds the most potential for building a stronger culture. At Tribe, our strategic approach to intranets is to:

1. Make their jobs easier

An intranet that provides a one-stop-shop for the tools and information employees need to do their jobs will boost productivity and provide a better digital experience for employees. They don't have to spend time searching for what they need, and can spend more of their time and energy on work that matters.

2. Build traffic to the site

When employees are on the intranet every day for quick access to the tools and info they need for work, they're also more likely to have social interactions with colleagues via the intranet. With workforces that are spread around the globe and/or working from home, the intranet can help replace those casual interactions that used to happen in the office break room or bumping into each other in the hallway. Building those human relationships can, in turn, build collaboration and innovation.

3. Offer cultural news on the home page

Create a richer digital experience by providing a steady stream of fresh cultural stories so that employees are pleasantly surprised with new content on an ongoing basis. We use intranet home pages to showcase the articles in monthly cultural publications and weekly news updates. When employees log in to access tools, they also find stories on topics ranging from leadership vision to their colleagues' interesting back stories. (For some simple but engaging topic ideas, try this Best Practices one pager.)

Interested in improving your employees' digital experience? Tribe can help.