Enhancing employee engagement

Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin
Internal communications podcast Elizabeth Baskin

Really enjoyed this conversation on enhancing employee engagement with the charming Shawn Pfunder on the SIMPPLR Cohesion podcast. He asked great questions, which is possibly the reason I'm speaking so slowly in most of these responses. It took me a second to get my thoughts together for some of the more challenging ones. His warm-up questions were things like What's my favorite insult I've ever received ("You're shorter in person") and What are the five most opened apps on your phone (New York Times, Duolingo, Starbucks, Peloton, Find My Friends). One of my favorite questions was to name a common myth in internal communications. He also got me to tell the real story of how Tribe got its name. He's a great interviewer and I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation.I wasn't familiar with the podcast before, but it includes some really interesting interviews with people in the internal communications and employee engagement space. I highly recommend!